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The Auto Detailing Podcast

Aug 22, 2016

Pete Gilchrist is 29 years old and from Belfast in Northern Ireland.  He has always been a gearhead, even as a little kid.  When I left school he got into car body repair.  He says "I didn't really enjoy the work but spent most of my time in the detailing bay as I loved that side of things". Listen in to hear the rest of Peter's story! 

Connect With Peter: 

Peter Gilchrist Facebook Page -

PMG Autocare Facebook Page -

PMG Autocare Website -

Purchase of $100 or less - Sony Headphones

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Today's Show Sponsor: 

The Better Software Company - CRM for Auto Detailers visit them at tell them Jimbo Sent You!

Guest Suggestions and Show Feedback - We want to hear from you, send in your guest suggestions and personal questions you want to hear answered on the show!

Resources To Make You A Better Detailer: 

Looking to get more customers coming through the door? Let us show you our fail proof way how – Google Ad Words Training For Detailers .

Blue Host – Get FREE domains with hosting plans – get your website back on track today!

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